Home > Tournaments > SETX PBC Spring Team Tournament

SETX PBC Spring Team Tournament

April 12 - 13, 2025

Registration open

Ends April 6, 2025


Beaumont Municipal Tennis Center

6475 College St


Format: 4-Person Team Format

Price: $55.00 / Player (must register and pay as a team)

Tournament Director

Dave Stovall


A fun coed MLP-style format where teams of 4 people (2 men and 2 women) compete against each other!

Team matches are composed of four games, with the first two games consist of a line of women's doubles and men's doubles, followed by two lines of mixed doubles. A coin toss will determine who has to set their lineup first and who then gets to reacts to the other team’s lineup.

In the event of a 2-2 tie, a 21 point game of singles will decide the winner in the format of a “Dreambreaker.” (New this year: A "doubles Dreambreaker" format will be used for the 50+ divisions.)


DUPR 16 (max aggregate 16.300)
DUPR 14 (max aggregate 14.300)
* Maximum individual player DUPR cannot exceed 4.10 to play in DUPR 14
DUPR 12 (max aggregate 12.300)
*Maximum individual player DUPR cannot exceed 3.60 to play in DUPR 12
DUPR 10 (max aggregate 10.300)
*Maximum individual player DUPR cannot exceed 3.10 to play in DUPR 10

To discourage sandbagging, maximum individual player ratings have been added to each division.

For those without a DUPR rating, please contact the tournament committee to receive assistance with a self-rating. If your DUPR reliability score is below 50 due to limited results and you believe your DUPR rating is higher than your pickleballbrackets.com ratings suggest, please reach out to the tournament committee for an adjustment.

Please note that this is a new tournament concept, and we are working to make adjustments that will enhance participation and ensure a rewarding experience for players of all levels.

Important Notice: Wednesday April 2 is the deadline to guarantee the receipt of a tournament t-shirt. If you are registering past the t-shirt deadline of October 2, we cannot guarantee that you will receive an event shirt.


All teams must designate a Team Captain, who will be responsible for various captain duties including communicating with the event’s tournament director and tournament desk, the coin toss, mixed doubles team designations, and singles tiebreaker rotations.

At the start of each match, there will be a coin toss (or similar random selection). The winner gets to make a decision from one of the following three choices:
1. Choose to react to the opposing team’s mixed doubles lineup or their singles lineup
2. Choose to start each game serving or receiving. (This decision will hold true for each game of that team matchup)
3. Choose which end of the court to start each match.
After the winner makes a choice, the loser then gets to make a choice between one of the two remaining options. After the loser makes their choice, the winner then makes a decision on the final remaining option.

Each game within a team matchup will consist of rally scoring to 21 with a freeze. In rally scoring, a point is earned after every rally, whether it was won by the serving or the receiving team. However, a team must win by two points, and the final point must be won on their serve. So, if a team has game point and they win a rally, but they did not serve to start that rally, then this point would not count, as a team must serve to win a match. This is considered a temporary freeze. Trailing teams never freeze and continue with rally scoring. If a team has been at game point and “frozen”, but then the score becomes tied, rally scoring will then be back in effect.

During rally scoring players do not switch sides after winning points. Player A starts on the right side and serves when the score is even and Player B serves from the left side when the score is odd. Player A and B must also receive serves on their respective side. A team may choose to switch player sides during end change when the first team reaches 11 points OR during any timeouts. Teams must announce they are making the change before play resumes.

Teams will each be allotted 1 time-out per game (Each time-out can last up to 1 minute). Teams also have an allotted 1 minute time out when they change sides once the first team reaches 11 points.

The schedule of play will be published in the week prior to the start of the tournament, and will be available on the Swish App. The beauty of the team format is the number of games/matches you play without having to wait around like a regular tournament format. However, in order for this to work, maintaining a timely flow of play during the tournament is necessary. Therefore, once both teams have arrived on the court, the players will have up to 5 minutes to warm up, figure out the coin toss and START the first game. Once a match STARTS, there is only 2 minutes in between all remaining games. To avoid delays, it is recommended that players take their breaks, get water, use the restroom, etc while they are not playing.
Court monitors will help facilitate this flow of play and help to ensure that players are keeping the games moving along. Once a game ends, the next game of the team matchup needs to start within 2 minutes. (Players can use the 2 minutes in between games to warm up, but they must be ready to play and in their positions at the 2 minute mark.) If a player is not ready to play at the 2 minute mark that team will forfeit their time out for that game. In the event of a 2-2 tie, the team required to set their singles line up first will have 1 minute to designate their dreambreaker lineup. The other team will then have 1 minute to designate their full lineup in response. Teams should not take more than 5 minutes between the final mixed game and the start of the dreambreaker.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Refunds will be available up to 2 weeks before the tournament registration closes.
All refunds will be charged a $15 processing fee. Emergency refunds will be issued based on approval.

There will be no refunds for weather-related cancellations. In case of weather delays, an attempt to play all matches scheduled for a day will be made.


Dupr 10

No players yet

10 team spots remaining

Looking for Partners

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Senior Dupr 10

No players yet

10 team spots remaining

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Dupr 12

No players yet

10 team spots remaining

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Senior Dupr 12

No players yet

10 team spots remaining

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Dupr 14

No players yet

10 team spots remaining

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Senior Dupr 14

No players yet

10 team spots remaining

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Dupr 16

No players yet

10 team spots remaining

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Senior Dupr 16

Beaumont Bangers (Team DUPR = 16.063)

Jon Williams & Clint Brasher & Jill Williams & Lori Matt

9 team spots remaining

Looking for Partners

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