Samuell Grand January DUPR Tournament
January 18, 2025
Registration open
Ends January 14, 2025
Format: Set Partner Pool Play + Single Elimination Bracket, Rotating Partner Round Robin
Price: $35.00 / Player
Samuell Grand DUPR Tournament: 8 newly surfaced courts! Courts will be open for warm ups by 9AM. Play will begin promptly at 9:30AM. Please bring hydration, sun protection, etc. Ice and water available in pro shop.
Men's Doubles 3.5-4.0+ – recommended for intermediate – advanced level players who have experience in strategy, variation of shots, and looking to strengthen DUPR rating.
Open Partner 3.0-3.5+ - NEW! Sign up as an individual player! This will be rotating partner format. Players will play with someone new each round. This division is open to both men and women.
11:30AM - 1:30PM
Mixed Doubles 3.5-4.0+ – recommended for intermediate – advanced level players who have experience in strategy, variation of shots, and looking to strengthen DUPR rating
Please register based on your DUPR rating at the time of registration. If you are brand new to DUPR, you do not need a rating to register, just a DUPR account created.
STRONGLY RECOMMENDED: In order to view matches and court assignments and enter your scores using the Swish mobile app during the tournament, please be sure to have the Swish app downloaded and signed into ahead of time, WITH your DUPR ID linked to your Swish profile. DO NOT press "Leave Tournament" at the end of the tournament. Just verify your scores and close the app.
How to link your existing DUPR ID to your Swish account (if not yet linked): Download the Swish app on your smart phone and log in. Click on "Profile", then "Add DUPR ID", then follow the prompts to link your DUPR ID to your Swish account. You only have to link your DUPR to your Swish once!
Men's Doubles 3.5-4.0+
Patrick Cole & Jordan Hart
Philip Scibelli & Jacob Walter
Sudhakar Sid & Mohamed Shamiya
7 team spots remaining
Mixed Doubles 3.5-4.0+
Rachel Cole & Tony Trevino
Sudhakar Sid & Krishna Priya Rudraraju
Amanda Mccue & Justin Maenner
Philip Scibelli & Lisa Lewis
Jeff McLaughlin & Tammy Smith
Venkata Sai Pramod Reddy Guntaka & Rishika Awar
Alex Bowen & Hannah Miller
David Szymanski & Annie Welch
2 team spots remaining
Open Partner 3.0-3.5+
No players yet
10 player spots remaining