Home > Tournaments > Project A.C.E. (Teen & Young Adult) Pickleball Tournament

Project A.C.E. (Teen & Young Adult) Pickleball Tournament

September 13, 2024

Registration closed

Ended September 12, 2024


Frontier Park Pickleball Courts

1000 Frontier Road, Twin Falls, ID 83301, United States of America


Format: Set Partner Round Robin

Price: $20.00 / Player (must register and pay as a team)

Tournament Director

Tennille Kober


This tournament is for ages 13-21 Round Robin INTERMEDIATE mixed doubles.
a. Be sure to hydrate and stretch prior to playing.
b. 6pm starts the announcements for the tournament. You must be here 30 minutes before the event.
2. SWISH App: This is a non-officiated event, and we will be using SWISH Tournaments App to run the event. You MUST have registered, created a profile and paid through app. (Special considerations will be made available-reach out)
Medals for top 3 winners.


3. SCORE-KEEPING: Have your phones charged the day of, to input match scores. Winning team will input each match scores, and both teams must verify on the app. Please do not do this in the court, instead, step outside so another match can begin in that court.
a. If the teams prefers to use the score-keeping table volunteers to input scores, teams must use the blank scorecards provided on the clipboards.
b. Teams are responsible to writing in the names, scores, and match numbers provided to them by the score-keeping table. The app will keep track of all of that for you though.
i. Scorecards should be circled with Winning Team and total points earned documented.
ii. Winners should bring the scorecards to the score-keeping table.
iii. If using scorecards, winning team provides the scorecards to the score-keeping table.
4. Tournament Expectations:
a. Each team has two time-outs if choose to use.
b. Play to 11, win by 1 (this helps us stay on time)
c. After six points, change court sides.
d. Please return your GAME ball after each match.
e. SLAP bracelets are provided as a courtesy for first servers. Please return after the tournament event.
f. Prior to each Match, the Starting SERVER bracelet for each team must be visible to others.
g. No attire can be the same color as the bright yellow Franklin X40 balls. You will be asked to change if anyone complains.
h. Rock, Paper, Scissors: Both teams quickly play Rock, Paper, Scissors, winning team has first choice of end, serve, receive, or defer. If the winner chooses to serve or receive first, the loser chooses the starting end. If the winner chooses the starting end, the loser chooses to serve or receive. Once a selection has been made, it cannot be changed.
5. Helpful suggestions
a. Review the 2024 USA Pickleball Official Rulebook prior to your first tournament and watch for ongoing rule changes. This makes it more competitive and fun. Although this is not an Officiated Tournament, many of the basic rules apply.
b. The winning teams are based on Total Wins of the nine games in each bracket. If there is a tie, then it is a Head-to-Head and the winner of that Match is decided.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

Since this is a fundraiser and we are relying on the funds collected to support Optimal Brain Center Critical Impact Foundation. Your donation to this non-profit is truly appreciated.
Your player fee will show in your statement as OBC Critical Impact Foundation.
Print and bring your waiver to the tournament. Anyone under the age of 18 must have a guardian/parent sign waiver.


Intermediate Players

Lincoln Church & Emma Grimm

Brooklyn Grimm & Jackson Church

Eli Sturgill & Ava Copeland

Vivian Lam & Nolan Hymas

6 team spots remaining

Looking for Partners

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No players yet

10 team spots remaining

Looking for Partners

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