Home > Tournaments > Pecan Square Fall 2024 Ladder League

Pecan Square Fall 2024 Ladder League

October 10 - November 14, 2024

Registration closed

Ended October 7, 2024


The Courts

700 Horizon Way, Northlake, TX 76247, United States of America


Format: Rotating Partner Round Robin

Price: $20.00 / Player

Tournament Director

Kevin Mitchell


Pecan Square Fall 2024 Ladder League * will start next Thursday 6-9PM at The Courts " The Hill". Ladder leagues are designed so that players play mostly with others of similar skill levels. Your ranking on a ladder is based upon your winning percentage (the ratio of points won to total points possible). Swish will automatically arrange the matchups.

Thursdays 6-9PM
Note Halloween falls on a Thursday so we will play 10.30.2024 (Wednesday)


-All pickleball Pecan Square ladder games are governed by the USAPA Rule Book, except for certain specific PS ladder rules.
-Games to 11 pts must win by 1. (example if games ends up 15-14, it will be entered as 11-10)
-At the start of the game, players will decide who starts serving first and choice of side. â—‹ Players change ends of the court when the first team has 6 points to minimize the effects of the sun and wind or other factors that may affect play.
-Balls will be provided.
-Substitutes: You are expected to play every week. If you cannot attend it is your responsibility to find a sub. The sub will play as you, the score will be added to your points. If you fail to arrange a sub the score will be entered 0-11 ( 0 you/partner - 11 opponent).Any player that has multiple unannounced no shows may be removed from the league for the remainder of the season with no refund given.
- Each participant is responsible for the promotion of good sporting integrity and fair play.
-All Communication will be thru Swish feed.
-No player shall physically touch or verbally abuse another player in any manner.
-Any participant that continually exhibits poor sportsmanship may be removed from the league with no refund given.

Cancellation/Refund Policy

No refunds.



Kevin Mitchell


Sidarth Chobe


Sai Takoor

Varun Kumar Singh

Kyle S

Nicholas Slack

Krishna C

Mahender G

Chandler nemitz

Adi Muppana

Will Calhoun

Saurabh Gupta

Vishnu Viswambharan



Natasa Chapline

Suhas Shet

Nicholas Chapline

Maureen Benjamin

Ganesh Thapa

Sevvel Anand S


Suneel M

Himabindu G


Medapalli Manohar

ajay salla

Venky Reddiee

Ajay Tumula

Dan Rushiti

Donna Esposito

Sal Esposito

Sohail Gaggutur

Chandra Reddy Mereddy

Balakrishna kammari

Rishi jain

Pallav chauhan

Prasadhreddy Singireddy

Sunil Vala

Anil Gangishetty

Kumar Kovela

Ranjit Vidiyala

0 player spots remaining