Monday Night Middletown Spring 3.75+ League
April 7 - May 19, 2025
Registration open
Ends March 31, 2025
Format: 3-person Team Format
Price: $30.00 / Player (must register and pay as a team)
League will be six weeks with top 4 teams playing an additional week. If inclement weather occurs, season will be extended until 6 weeks are completed.
Game play will start promptly at 7pm. Courts will be available for warm-up at 6:40pm.
Players are required to have the SWISH App installed on their phones.
Each team must sign up with a total of 3 players and guarantee a minimum of 2 players every week. Failure to have 2 players present at anytime will result in a forfeit score of 15-0 for the opponent. Teams can be 3 men, 3 women or mixed.
A league sub-list of same skill level players will be created for emergency situations and can be accessed by any team with proper notice. No other subs will be allowed.
Team can alternate players between weeks or bring all three and alternate players between games
Teams can make one player substitution at their discretion each game if they choose
Games will be played until 15 win by 1 or for a maximum of 10 minutes and end promptly upon volunteer’s signal.
Each team must provide points for (PF) and points against (PA) to volunteer at end of each game
Rankings are determined at the end of 6 weeks by Total Points for (PF). Tiebreaker, in this order, will be, lowest Total Points Against (PA), then by coin toss.
Top 4 teams will play an additional week with 1 v 4 and 2 v 3 playing best 2 of 3 to 11 win by 2. Winner of 1 v 4 will then play winner of 2 v 3 best 2 of 3 to 11 win by 2 for 1st and 2nd place. Loser of 1 v 4 will then play loser of 2 v 3 best 2 of 3 to 11 win by 2 for 3rd and 4th place.
Medals will be awarded at the end of league play for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
All players must be 18 years of age or older.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Full refund minus $5 service fee before 17th March 2025.
Long Shots
Daniel Long & Cole Porter & Mike Pritchard
The 3 Stooges
Max Maybury & Mike Abernathy & Logan McSherry
The Big Dills
John Lipscomb & Steve Darr & Rich Kreuzburg
5 team spots remaining