Luke Day Pickleball Tournament
June 15, 2024
Registration closed
Ended June 14, 2024
Format: Set Partner Round Robin
Price: $40.00 / Player (must register and pay as a team)
If you would like to be able to view matches and court assignments and enter your scores using the Swish mobile app during the tournament, please be sure to have the Swish app downloaded and signed into ahead of time, with your DUPR ID linked to your Swish profile. (This is not required, but just if you would like to!) DO NOT press "Leave Tournament" at the end of the tournament. Just verify your scores and close the app.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
In the event of a complete rain-out, or if you register to the waitlist without making it into the tournament, you will receive a full refund. Withdrawals will receive a refund only if there is a player/team on the waitlist to fill the vacated spot. No refunds for day-of-tournament no-show or withdrawal. Day-of-tournament late arrivals will count as day-of-tournament no-shows
Mens Open
No players yet
10 team spots remaining
Womens Open
No players yet
10 team spots remaining
Mixed Beginners
Aimee Coulon & Chad Coulon
Colin Jeter & Isabella Jeter
Paige Bell & Peyton Bell
8 team spots remaining
Mixed Intermidiate
Jeffrey barach & Sharla King
Ethan Barre & Addison Presser
8 team spots remaining
Mixed Open
No players yet
10 team spots remaining
Senior All Levels
No players yet
9 team spots remaining
Mens Intermidiate
J.R.Portman & Todd Masson
Brady Morgan & Gavin Beckham
8 team spots remaining
Mens Beginners
Jason Taylor
Jace Taylor
Seth Tate
Connor Tate
6 team spots remaining
Womens Beginners/Intermidiate
Emily Smith & Rachel Smith
Caitlin Picou & Heather Grillot
Annette Heatherly & Heather Stansbury
7 team spots remaining