Church of the Nativity International Missions Program Fundraiser
February 15, 2025
Registration closed
Ended February 11, 2025
Dill Dinkers White Marsh
140 Merritt Way, White Marsh, MD 21162, United States of America
Format: Set Partner Pool Play + Single Elimination Bracket
Price: $55.00 / Player (must register and pay as a team)
All proceeds to benefit Church of the Nativity Mission programs
NativityMissions is making church matter by influencing our world for Christ.
We believe that healthy outreach is built on relationships – a solid connection between people in our community with those outside our church. We are called to go to the ends of the earth. By working with global partners, we aim to extend our love and service to the farthest reaches of our world. Our church community has had the privilege of repairing homes, digging wells, building schools, and making possible other great works. Just as important, we travel to live life with and serve alongside our global partners as well.
In 2025 we are sending 6 teams of missionaries to our communities in Kenya, Guatemala and the Dominican Republic. Our travel teams will spend 7-10 days in these communities walking alongside the community leaders and members as they work to pull themselves out of poverty. Travelers are responsible for fundraising to cover the cost of their trip. A single trip could cost between $2000-$4000, depending on location. With your help, we can offset the trip costs for our travelers. Trip costs include airfare, lodging, transportation, all meals and community support while in country. Please consider supporting Nativity Missions and our brave missionaries who have answered the call to serve globally.
Tournament is held at Dill Dinkers - White Marsh with state-of-the-art Pro Cushion indoor courts
Please arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your scheduled start time
Please download the Swish app to your phone (Swish Sports)
This tournament will use the Swish app
See game schedules and scores on the app in real time as they are entered into Swish
Tournament Details:
- Five games guaranteed
- Brackets for “Below 3.5” and "3.5 and Above”
- Below 3.5 playing 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
- 3.5 and Above playing 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM
- Top two teams in each pool group move on to single elimination tournament.
Each division will include 10 teams per skill level (Below 3.5 and 3.5 & above), with a minimum of 5 games total per team. Round robin games will be played to 11, win by 2 or to a maximum duration of 12 minutes. (The game will end if not tied at the 12 minute expiration. If tied, next point wins regardless of who is serving.)
The Gold and Bronze medal matches will be played to 15, win by 2.
Please register for the appropriate bracket(s) in which you wish to compete. You may register as a team by selecting the division and entering both players' names. To register as a single player seeking a partner, instead of selecting the division and registering as a team, go to below the “add to cart” button. You will see tabs for “Description”, “Players” and “Photos”. Click the "Players" tab. Each division is shown, and each division has a “looking for partner” button. Click the “looking for partner” button to enter the individual player’s information. Other players can see who is seeking a partner. When you have a partner, then register as a team.
There will also be "Mulligans" available for purchase to help raise money for the Nativity Missions. For $20 each, you can purchase a mulligan to be used ONLY on a missed serve attempt. If the server misses a serve attempt and has purchased a mulligan, they will receive another service attempt. Each player must let the opponent know if they have a mulligan to use prior to the start of each match.
Please see tournament staff from the Church of the Nativity onsite to purchase mulligans.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Tournament fee is $5.00 per event in addition to the entry fee ($60 1st event / $50 2nd event)
Refunds (minus a $30 to $35 fee [$25 fee plus $5 or $10 Swish App event fee] depending on how many events you are withdrawing from) will be allowed until February 2, 2025. After that date, no refunds will be given for any reason.
Doubles: Under 3.5
Carol Long & Alastair Mackay
Trish Ellis & Diane Polk
Gill Wylie & Matt Brown
Robert Sullivan & Eli Gatto
Sharee Selah & Linda Fredeking
Orlisha Fox & Lyndsie Barlow
Mary Jo Johnson & Harry Johnson
Charles Ferraro & Chris Eliopoulos
Stephanie McKew & Karen Lindenmeyer
Kate Lynch & Julie Posner
0 team spots remaining
Doubles: 3.5 And Over
Austin Wieder & Danny Fendlay
Steve Sullivan & Bill Aydlett
Joyce Lightner & Robyn Steele
scott welsh & niko pavlidas
Mark Foreman & Larry Manross
Nita Them & Michael Durr
Luis Barros & Kenneth Suggs
Nick Warner & Ben O Donnell
Thomas Vielandi & Ryan Welsh
Joseph S Harsel & Carol E. Harsel
0 team spots remaining
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