Battle on the Courts
June 15, 2024
Registration closed
Ended June 11, 2024
Format: Set Partner Round Robin, Set Partner Pool Play + Single Elimination Bracket, Rotating Partner Round Robin
Price: $45.00 / Player
We will have Mens/Womens/Mixed 3.5 and 4.0. The 3.0 level will be a switch partners round robin play.
The tournament directors reserve the right to modify the format and brackets based on registered participants.
For the 4.0 and 3.5 level - Pool play depending on number of participants. Games to 11, win by 2. 1 time out, switch at 6.
For 3.0 level - Round robin scramble play. Games to 11, win by 2. 1 time out, switch at 6.
All games are self-officiated
3.0 to 3.49
3.5 to 3.99
4.0 to 4.49
*based on DUPR ratings the day of registration.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
No refunds after registration is closed on June 11, 2024.
Men's 4.0
Brian Szady & Dan Koste
James Bruni & Jesus Reyes
Christopher Barnett & Andy Zhong
Edgar Lopez & Antonio Medina
0 team spots remaining
Women's 4.0
Stacey Slaughter & Lisa Glowski
Caroline Cadiz & Sandy Nuccio
Katy Barnett & Cathy Wang
3 team spots remaining
Men's 3.5
Doug poder & Kenneth munson
Kelly Moore & Zack Moore
Jawad Adhami & Henry Rafidia
Jack Stein & Bill Olson
Steve Winandy & Scott Fullerton
Doug Kasamis & Steve Krauss
Adolfo Murcia & Pankaj Jain
Joe Jeanes & Chet Reyes
0 team spots remaining
Women's 3.5
Natalie Dolph & Abbey Olson
Nancy Agajeenian & Laurie Harris
Claire Kasamis & Kirsten Jura
Karen Amedio & Selina Carpenter
Haley Jeanes & Reese Jeanes
1 team spot remaining
Mixed 4.0
Kim Walsh & Brian Szady
Jim Bruni & Donna Naughton
Daisy Jesse & Brian Goodman
Jesus Reyes & Haley Jeans
pierre s thavong & LISA Matsunari
Katy Barnett & Christopher Barnett
0 team spots remaining
Mixed 3.5
Natalie Dolph & Doug Poder
Vera Chan & Dan Koste
Carrie Nottingham & Benjamin Arditti
Debbie Donahoe & Brian Donahoe
Mary Kafka & Marc Kafka
Jack Stein & Corrine Papak
Doug Kasamis & Kirsten Jura
Steve Krauss & Claire Kasamis
0 team spots remaining
Co-ed 3.0
Sherry Dobson
Alex Moreno
Tim Barham
Katie Polglaze
Gayle Phee
Pankaj Jain
Pavankumar Palli
Reginald Delarmente
16 player spots remaining
Mixed 3.5 Wait List
No players yet
0 team spots remaining