Rudolph Pickleball Tournaments at THE FORT!
April 19, 2025
Registration open
Ends April 15, 2025
The Fort
891 Southwest 34th Street, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33315, United States of America
Format: Set Partner Round Robin, Rotating Partner Round Robin
Price: $50.00 – $65.00 / Player
There will be a Max of 8 Teams per Division and 12 Teams for the Big Money Tournament so sign up fast before it is sold out!
1. Men's Doubles 3.5 $50 Entry Fee per player / $100 per team - DUPR Rated - Start time 10am
2. Men's Doubles 4.0 $50 Entry Fee per player / $100 per team - DUPR Rated - Start time 1:30pm
3. Men's Doubles 4.5 $50 Entry Fee per player / $100 per team - DUPR Rated - Start time 10am
4. Men's Doubles 4.0 to 4.5 (50 Year old Plus - Both Players must be 50 or older) $50 Entry Fee per player / $100 per team- DUPR Rated - Start Time 10am
5. Ladies Doubles 4.0 to 4.5 $50 Entry Fee per player / $100 per team - DUPR Rated - Start Time 1:30pm
6. Mixed Doubles 4.0 to 4.5 $50 Entry Fee per player / $100 per team - DUPR Rated - Start Time 10am
7. Ladies' Doubles 3.5 to 4.0 $50 Entry Fee per player / $100 per team- DUPR Rated - Start Time 1:30pm
8.Big Money Tournament Any Team can enter (Mens Doubles, Ladies Doubles, & Mixed Doubles)- 4.0 to 5.0 - $65 Entry Fee / $130 per team - NO DUPR - 1st Place Team $800 / 2nd Place Team $300 / 3rd Place Team $100
Start Time 1:45pm
If you are a member of either of my WhatApp Chats you can use a Promo code in the chat to receive 10% discount on any of my tournaments. If you want to join my tournament chat DM me at 305-299-3010
All Tournaments are 5 round robin games to 11 win by 1. Top 4 teams in each division move on to the playoffs. Playoffs are two rounds semi-finals seed 1 vs seed 4 and seed 2 vs seed 3. Winners play for Gold and Silver. Losers play for Bronze.
Top 4 teams in each bracket will be decided by record first, then points if there is a tie on records, if there is a tie in points then the final decider is head to head results. So do not get pickled. It will hurt you in the end.
Money Tournaments - Gold and Silver Medalist will win Cash Prizes.
All Players in every division will play 5 Round Robin Games to 11 Win by 1 - Top 4 teams in each bracket advance to the playoffs - All Games are 11 win by 1 - Switch Sides at 6 - Serve & side is decided by 1 or 2 behind a paddle.
Playoffs are two rounds semi-finals seed 1 vs seed 4 and seed 2 vs seed 3. Winners play for Gold and Silver. Losers play for Bronze. All Playoff games are to 11 win by 2.
All Players can warm up 2 mins before every game
One Timeout per game for 60 seconds max
We are playing with Franklin X40 Balls
All Paddles have to be Pickleball USA or APP approved.
All Players must have a DUPR Account. If you do not have one please create own at
Please attach your DUPR account to the Swish App. All Players have to download the Swish App to play in the tournament.
All Players must create a login and PW at Play The Fort APP and sign their waiver to participate in the tournament!
All Players must sign my tournament waiver. You can download it on the
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Refunds or Credits will be given up to the Monday the week of the tournament. After that unfortunately "No refunds"
Men's Doubles 3.5
Andres Perez & Aitor Mendez
Isaac Hoffman & Zuhair Allahrakha
Armando A Carpio Jr & Armando W Carpio Sr
Perdomo Federico & Miguel Angel Proscia
4 team spots remaining
Men's Doubles 4.0
rodrigo girod & Jonathan Guario
Robert Barber & Justin Boone
Robert Schulsinger & Douglas Valle
Daniel Kern & Roei Wagner
4 team spots remaining
Men's Doubles 4.5
No players yet
8 team spots remaining
Men's Doubles 4.0 to 4.5 - 50 plus
Jason Alper & Joel Calendrillo
Billy Ingersoll & Glen Knobel
Michael Sealey & Giuseppe Calderone
Edwin Colon & Jose F Mata
paul vossler & Lonny Anger
Mark Dobry & Craig Gutmann
Raul Palacios & Anthony Mineo
5 team spots remaining
Ladies Doubles 4.0 to 4.5
Veronica Hernandez Perez & Leslie Teruel
Bari Snyder & Shelia Townsend
6 team spots remaining
Mixed Doubles 4.0 to 4.5
Michael mendez & Johanna Young
Wendy Garrity & Stu Horowitz
6 team spots remaining
Ladies Doubles 3.5 to 4.0
Ann Mei Chang & Shawnette Fanshier
Paula & Soraya Palis
6 team spots remaining
Big Money Tournament - All players - 4.0 to 5.0 No DUPR
Katie Ardrey
Leslie Teruel & Carlos Marquez
Santiago Agudelo & Brent Caron
Christie Le & Scott Golden
Ali Quintero & Gustavo Diaz
Oscar Arce & David Kaye
Leo Liu & Raul Lizaso
Helen Challenger & Miguel Pimentel
Jose F Mata & Reinaldo Caraballo
Mackie Feierstein & Mike Trinh
Eduardo C Masferre
andres villarreal & Ashley Penaranda
Jake Benjamin
zach ernesto hunter
0 player spots remaining