Bay Club Spring Open @ Bay Club Gateway ~ San Francisco, California
March 9, 2025
Registration closed
Ended March 5, 2025
Bay Club - Gateway San Francisco
370 Drumm Street, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States of America
Format: Set Partner Pool Play + Single Elimination Bracket, Set Partner Round Robin
Price: $75.00 / Player (must register and pay as a team)
Address: 501 Carter Street, Daly City, CA 94014
Start Times:
Bay Club Opens at 7:00 am
Men's Doubles 3.5 (8:00 am start time )
Women's & Men's Doubles 3.0/3.5 & 4.0+ (11:30 am start time)
Mixed Doubles (2:30 pm start time)
Update: You can also use our Google Form to register your team:
Welcome to the "Bay Club Spring Open" Tournament at Gateway San Francisco! Join us for thrilling matches, friendly competition, and lots of fun!
This one-day event includes Women's/Men's doubles and Mixed doubles on Sunday, March 9th. All events will be round-robin format with a playoff.
You do not need to be a member of The Bay Club to participate in this tournament.
Format: Teams will play a minimum of 3 matches in round-robin format with playoff/games to 15 or 2 out of 3 games to 11. Times may be adjusted based on the number of teams we have. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me to put your team on a waitlist if bracket is filled.
Make sure you have your partner when you register. Payment will be for both partners and include a $5 Swish processing fee per player. Teams with a Bay Club member will have a $60 OFF.
Sunday, March 9
Timing may change, but tentatively,
Men's Doubles 3.5 (8:30 am Start time )
Women's & Men's Doubles 3.0, 3.5, 4.0+ (11:30 am start time)
Mixed Doubles (2:00 pm Start time)
Member $45 / Non-member $75 per person (must register and pay as a team)
Price for 2nd Division FREE
Use discount code BayClubSpring60.
Participating Teams: Click on the players tab to see the players participating
Scores will be submitted to DUPR. To create your DUPR profile, go to
Tournament Ball: Franklin X40
Courts: We will have six permanent outdoor courts
Parking: Metered street parking is free on Sunday
Medals Awarded to top three places
Complementary: Snacks & Drinks
This is a DUPR sanctioned tournament. Scores will be submitted to DUPR. To create your DUPR profile, go to
*A maximum of 10 teams per skill level. At the organizer's discretion, brackets may be combined if there are too few teams in a single bracket. Start time may be adjusted based on number of teams.
Cancellation/Refund Policy
A full refund, minus the $5 registration fee, will be issued if cancelled by 3/2/2025.
WOMEN'S 3.0/3.5
Dana Anselmo & Sylvia Pacheco
Lysbet Verlenden & Notte Cha
Michelle Rivera & Carol Chen
Carolyn Brewer & Darsy Meghinasso
5 team spots remaining
MEN'S 3.5
Leo Carcamo & Rahul Patel
Josh Honeycutt & Adam Barzel
Abhinav Simha & Mohak Rastogi
Brian Kim & Jason Parawan
Kelvin Li & Nivedh Mudaliar
Brian Gin & Duy Pham
Adam Epstein & Jonathan Lew
Alston Pacheco & Eric Tong
James Weber & Prasanth Raju
Michael Tepper & Vinayak Raja
Verden Ng & Calvin Lieu
Kiet Phun & Andrew Wang
Christian Aguilar & Andrew Leung
Justin Wang & Connor Chin
0 team spots remaining
MEN'S 4.0+
Thomas Wong & Peter Wong
Angelo Kwek & Jimmy Ni
Samuel Siegel & Neel Lawande
Jackson Chen & Frances Devine
Marc Avila II & Anton Ulan
Sean Krissman & Austin Castleberry
Clayton Critcher & Daniel Garcia
Rabin Real & Aaron Pewtherer
0 team spots remaining
Ken Wilson & Jeannine Clark
0 team spots remaining
MIXED 4.0+
Marlon Brandon De Vera & Lisa Liang
Jac Heanen & Notte Cha
Maddie Boehme & CJ Wheelock
Jimmy Ni & Vicky Liu
Samuel Siegel & Taren Stinebrickner Kauffman
Lysbet Verlenden & Akshay Mehta
Lawrence Chan & Yue Meng
3 team spots remaining
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Partial refund
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